Ajyal Film Festival 2024

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  • 1982

    Ajyal Competition - Ajyal Film Festival 2019

    As the academic year draws to a close at a school high in the mountains of Lebanon, eleven-year…

    Oualid Mouaness / Lebanon, United States of America, Norway, Qatar / Feature Narrative

  • 3 Hours

    Arab Short Film Competition - Doha Tribecca Film Festival 2010

    An afternoon football game unexpectedly turns into a gruesome bloodbath in this revenge tale ba…

    Regan Hall / U.K., Jordan / Short Narrative

  • Ave Maria

    Ajyal Competition - Ajyal Youth Film Festival 2016

    Stereotypes are broken down in the name of co-operation in this Oscar-nominated film about Arab…

    Basil Khalil / Palestine, Germany, France / Short Narrative

  • Bhutto

    World Panorama - Doha Tribecca Film Festival 2010

    Political biopics too often fall into either hagiography or demonization, extremes mostly avoid…

    Duane Baughman, Johnny O'Hara / U.S.A., U.K. / Feature Documentary

  • Casino Jack

    Special Screening - Doha Tribecca Film Festival 2010

    Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey gives a stellar performance as high powered GOP lobbyist Jack…

    George Hickenlooper / Canada / Feature Narrative

  • Dear Future Children

    Ajyal Competition, Ajyal at Vox - Ajyal Film Festival 2021

    With global protests on the rise, ‘Dear Future Children’ is a film about the new generation at…

    Franz Böhm / Germany, United Kingdom, Austria / Feature Documentary

  • A Deep Long Breath

    Arab Feature Film Competition - Doha Tribecca Film Festival 2012

    In a mere 18 days, the recent upset of power in Egypt brought about the end of dictatorship, an…

    Tahani Rached / Egypt, Qatar / Feature Documentary