Cities of Anxiety
Focus on Qatar

/ Feature Documentary / Qatar / 2016
Rated: Parental guidance advised for viewers under the age of 15. Individuals under the age of 15 are not admitted into cinemas unless accompanied by an individual aged 18 or over.
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Cities are influenced by their surroundings, which in turn affect their people. This similarity creates an interactive relationship that manifests itself in various forms, among them anxiety. This organism, the city, is anxious as a result of the state of hopelessness that our world is experiencing. As times change, Arab cities have changed; they have lost their souls. The coffee shops we used to frequent have changed; streets, buildings, people and their conceptions – everything has changed and lost its spontaneity and vivacity.
This film ventures through three different cases of anxiety in Beirut, Baghdad and Cairo, to live their reality as anxious cities.